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Crumble and Toffee

So kidding this year started badly, ended OK. All our pregnant goats went into labour within the same week. This meant that Bryn the billy goat was a very busy boy! However, Crumble went into labour first, after a tough 14 hours we intervened. She had twins both in backwards breech position. With a bit of manipulation we managed to get both boys out and while mum was tired she took to being a mum, cleaning and feeding them. We left them to bond as a family. The following morning, Crumble had prolapsed and one of the boys was heavy breathing. We took the kids home to give them some colostrum and a vitamin boost, while we waited for the vet to come out.

The vet was amazing, he tucked it all back in, sewed her up and gave her pain relief and antibiotics. But if was all in vain and she died that evening. Shock and infection had spread through her. We named the boys Apple and Toffee (our favourite crumble). Toffee took to the bottle milk and thrived. Apple was not as strong and Toffee and died the following day.

Toffee was bottlefed for another month at home, then off to the farm to learn how to be a goat! His big sister Stevie adopted him and they made a little family unit.

Toffee will stay on the farm forever along with Stevie. Both were hand reared by us and both believe they are humans with four legs! Crumbles legacy stays strong .

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