Hatching 2021 started off well. We hatched 36 ducklings, which was 100% hatch rate! We have many varieties including pekins, runners, Campbells, cayuga, mandarins, muscovys and call ducks. If you follow us on social media, they are popular residents! We continued small hatches of specific breeds through the summer to give us winter egglayers. One thought in the new year is to introduce hatching experiences to be enjoyed at home. More thought needs to to put into this but its a possibility in the future.
Our ducks enjoy a natural pond and spend a big chunk of their days swimming and preening. They are all very happy around us due to being hand reared.
Our call duck hatch was less successful unfortunately but after more research, it seems that they do better under mama duck than in incubators. So over the autumn we have made a secure call duck enclosure ready for 2022 mating season! Fingers crossed we have lots of dinky noisy ducks!